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corporate lawyers in saudi arabia

Corporate lawyers in Saudi Arabia are essential to help businesses navigate the legal landscape and ensure compliance with the laws and regulations that govern their operations. The business environment in Saudi Arabia is dynamic and ever-changing, presenting both challenges and opportunities for companies operating in the Kingdom.

This article delves into corporate law in Saudi Arabia, covering the role and responsibilities of corporate lawyers, business law, and company legal advice, the Saudi commercial register, and top corporate law firms. It offers valuable guidance and support to help your business succeed in this competitive marketplace. Join us on this informative journey through the world of corporate law in Saudi Arabia.

corporate lawyers in saudi arabia.

If you are a business owner in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia or plan to establish one in the future, you must be fully aware that having a dedicated corporate lawyer in Saudi Arabia. Making security a priority is essential for any company, regardless of its type or the services it provides.

Corporate lawyers in Saudi Arabia can provide valuable guidance and advice on various legal matters, such as regulatory compliance, contracts, intellectual property, labor law, and dispute resolution. Moreover, having a corporate lawyer can help protect your company’s interests and prevent legal issues that could potentially harm its operations and reputation.

Additionally, Corporate lawyers in Saudi Arabia are responsible for ensuring the legal compliance of the company and providing comprehensive legal protection against potential violations and penalties. By engaging with corporate lawyers in Saudi Arabia, you can benefit from a comprehensive array of legal services including:

  1. Legal establishment of the company and obtaining necessary licenses.
  2. Fulfilling the obligations of the company’s management and ensuring compliance with laws and regulations.
  3. Contributing to the company’s development plans through providing valuable legal guidance and endorsement.
  4. Coordinating the company’s relations with other partners and companies.
  5. Developing a dispute resolution mechanism to address potential legal obstacles that may impede the company’s progress.
  6. Drafting company agreements, reviewing contracts and ensuring their legal compliance.
  7. Attending any board meetings of the company to ensure legal compliance.
  8. Acting as legal representative of the company with relevant authorities, during arbitrations and contract authentication.
  9. Defending the company in court in case of legal charges.
  10. Authorizing the implementation of liquidation measures and declaration of bankruptcy for companies.

Mohammed Aboud Al-Dossary is the best corporate lawyer in Jeddah Saudi Arabia, with a track record of succes. He is committed to providing top-notch legal representation to his clients and achieving favorable outcomes in all disputes. For exceptional legal counsel for your company, choose Lawyer Al-Dossary. His extensive experience and expertise make him the ideal choice to handle your legal matters. We advise you to reach out to him promptly and without any reservations.

business law in saudi arabia.

The objective of new legislation in Saudi Arabia is to enhance the country’s economic framework, streamline business operations, and empower companies to sustain their expansion and progress in support of Vision 2030.

The Saudi corporate system now allows for greater flexibility in all stages of business, from establishment to operation to liquidation. Furthermore, limited liability companies can offer debt instruments that are tradable in the market under the new framework.

In our discussion we will cover the key aspects of the Saudi corporate system, including:

  • The Saudi corporate system includes six types of companies: partnership, simple recommendation, recommendation by shares, joint-stock, simple joint-stock, and limited liability. Simple joint-stock companies have been introduced, and closed companies have been abolished.
  • New corporate system modifies requirements for simple joint-stock and limited liability companies.
  • Non-profit companies for development and growth can now be established.
  • Partners or shareholders can add provisions to company documents as long as they don’t conflict with regulations.
  • Saudi corporate directors and board members bear significant decision-making responsibility.
  • Company interests are prioritized, and contracts benefiting directors or board members are prohibited.
  • Holding companies can now engage in appropriate economic activities.
  • Forced dissolution of a joint venture is no longer possible in the Saudi corporate system.
  • Small and micro enterprises are exempt from appointing auditors in the Saudi corporate system, except when listed on the stock market.
  • There is no longer a maximum limit for the number of board members in joint-stock companies; the limit is determined by the company’s bylaws.
  • The limit of fifty partners in limited liability companies has been removed, and the new system allows for the establishment of a single-member limited liability company.

Company Legal advice in saudi arabia.

 It is undoubtedly imperative to have legal counsel for your established or prospective company, and seeking the advice of a proficient lawyer on various matters that concern or affect your company is among the most crucial steps towards ensuring its continued success. The following are some consultations on various specializations that are provided by corporate lawyers in Saudi Arabia:

  1. Legal consultancy is available to help with company establishment across various industries.
  2. Skilled advisors can assist with drafting, reviewing, and legally scrutinizing company-specific contracts.
  3.   Financial consultation regarding announcing liquidation or bankruptcy of a company and the legal implications that arise from such actions.
  4. A lawyer and consultant can provide essential legal recommendations for creating a company’s internal regulations.
  5. Legal advice is available also for restructuring existing companies to promote growth.
  6. Consultations can also assist with authorizations, licenses, and legal support for joint ventures between companies.
  7. Legal consultations are available for commercial registration, bond and instruments issuance.
  8. Legal advice on the shares of a company that can be transferred in legal procedures.
  9. legal consultations on partners’ shares, profit and loss distribution, and company liability.

In the same context, some individuals who wish to establish a business may wonder about the requirements by asking: What is the procedure to start a business in Saudi Arabia

To establish a new company or business, a representative or partner must be present at the Ministry of Commerce and Investment with all necessary documents. Alternatively, an authorized person may attend. The payment of all outstanding financial obligations should be confirmed by a payment invoice, and an approval letter from the relevant authority is necessary. The client must also pay the fees to establish a commercial register for the branch.

Saudi commercial register.

Opening a commercial register in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a fundamental step in establishing any commercial activity. Commercial registers are important tools to ensure transparency and credibility in commercial activities and to protect the rights of investors and consumers.

The required conditions for opening a commercial register are:

  • The owner or authorized representative of the company must be of legal age (at least 18 years old) to qualify for opening a commercial register.
  • The owner must not be a government employee: Government employees are not allowed to establish companies or open commercial registers on behalf of others.
  • The minimum capital required for the company must be at least SAR 5,000 to ensure the ability to meet the financial and operational obligations of the company.

As part of its range of electronic services, the Saudi Ministry of Commerce and Investment provides the electronic commercial register service. The following are the steps required to open an electronic commercial register:

  1. Access the Saudi Business Center platform.
  2. Sign in using either the website account or national access data.
  3. Enter enterprise data and specify the applicant as either the owner or authorized representative.
  4. Specify the type of business name.
  5. Choose the type of establishment and activity for the business name.
  6. Fill out the registration information and fiscal year.
  7. Fill out the address and contact information.
  8. Affirm the accuracy of the entered information.
  9. Click on submit application.

The following video provides a visual explanation of the service for learning about the registration process.

Best Corporate Law Firm in Saudi Arabia.

Having discussed various aspects of the services provided by corporate lawyers in Saudi Arabia we believe it is important to assist you in your search for the best lawyers in Saudi Arabia in International law firms in Jeddah for your business needs. Engaging the services of a proficient law firm will ensure that your business operations are conducted in compliance with legal requirements, and they will be able to provide effective solutions to any challenges that may arise.

We highly recommend that you consider reaching out to the law firm of Mohammed Abboud Al-Dossary when conducting your search for a suitable legal representative call:00966566600220 or call:00966545040509. With extensive experience in corporate cases and in-depth knowledge of relevant Saudi laws, Al-Dossary has established a strong reputation in the legal field. The firm’s impressive track record and expertise make it the top choice for corporate legal matters in Saudi Arabia.

As our goal is to assist you in obtaining the best legal services for your company, we would like to answer you of the following: Who is the best corporate lawyer in saudi arabia?

 Mohammed Aboud Al-Dossary is the best corporate lawyer in Jeddah Saudi Arabia, with a track record of succes. He is committed to providing top-notch legal representation to his clients and achieving favorable outcomes in all disputes. For exceptional legal counsel for your company, choose Lawyer Al-Dossary. His extensive experience and expertise make him the ideal choice to handle your legal matters. We advise you to reach out to him promptly and without any reservations.

In conclusion of our article.

Corporate lawyers in Saudi Arabia | Al Dossary 2023.

Corporate lawyers in Saudi Arabia play an indispensable role in navigating the complex legal landscape of the kingdom and safeguarding the interests of businesses. We hope that you have enjoyed reading and obtained the information you desired smoothly. Our skilled saudi lawyers Riyadh in Al-Dossary law firm are committed to providing exceptional legal representation to help you achieve your business objectives.


المحامي والمستشار القانوني حسن (HASANLawyer)

Legal Counsellor Hassan holds a law degree with honors. He is a lawyer and legal advisor to many companies and institutions. It provides all legal services and consultations, whether to companies, institutions or individuals, with great legal experience in analyzing legal problems, and interpreting laws, provisions and regulations; Preparing legal documents such as petitions, wills, deeds, lawsuits and drafting contracts; Preparing briefs and legal opinions, and supervising legal assistants. His expertise includes various fields and legal cases. Such as: • Criminal cases. Commercial civil cases. Administrative issues. • Labor issues. • Real estate issues. Personal status issues. • Writing legal memorandums of drafting the lawsuit statement in a correct legal manner. • Arbitration and treatment of disputes that occur between companies and individuals.

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