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Commercial Disputes

Protect Your Rights in a Breach of Contract Case in Saudi Arabia

By October 1, 2023No Comments
Protect Your Rights in a Breach of Contract Case in Saudi Arabia

A breach of contract occurs when one party to a contract fails to fulfil their obligations under the contract. This can happen in a variety of ways, such as by failing to deliver goods or services on time, or by delivering goods or services that are not up to standard.

If you have been a victim of a breach of contract in Saudi Arabia, you have the right to seek compensation. However, the Saudi Arabian legal system can be complex and challenging to navigate, especially for those who are not familiar with it.

This guide will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the remedies available to you in a breach of contract case in Saudi Arabia. We will cover everything you need to know, from filing a claim to negotiating a settlement to enforcing a judgement.

We understand that dealing with a breach of contract can be a stressful and overwhelming experience. That is why we have written this guide in a clear and concise style, avoiding legal jargon and technical terms. We want to make sure that you have the information you need to protect your rights and get the compensation you deserve.

If you have been the victim of a breach of contract in Saudi Arabia, this guide is essential reading. It will provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to protect your rights and get the compensation you deserve.

Different Types of Breach of Contract in Saudi Arabia

According to the Saudi Arabian Commercial Law, a breach of contract is defined as any failure by one party to a contract to fulfil their obligations under the contract. This can happen in a variety of ways, such as by failing to deliver goods or services on time, or by delivering goods or services that are not up to standard.

There Are Two Main Types of Breach of Contract in Saudi Arabia:

Material Breach

This occurs when the breach of contract is so serious that it goes to the root of the contract and makes it impossible for the other party to perform their obligations. A material breach may give the other party the right to terminate the contract and seek damages.

Minor Breach: 

This occurs when the breach of contract is not so serious that it goes to the root of the contract or makes it impossible for the other party to perform their obligations. A minor breach may not give the other party the right to terminate the contract, but they may still be able to seek damages.

In addition to these two main types of breach, there are a number of other specific types of breach, such as:

  • Anticipatory breach: This occurs when one party to a contract indicates that they will not perform their obligations under the contract, even though the time for performance has not yet arrived.
  • Repudiation: This occurs when one party to a contract clearly and unequivocally rejects their obligations under the contract.
  • Fundamental breach: This occurs when one party to a contract breaches a fundamental term of the contract. A fundamental term is a term that is essential to the contract and without which the contract would not have been made.
  • Non-performance: This occurs when one party to a contract simply fails to perform their obligations under the contract.

It is important to note that the distinction between material and minor breaches is not always clear-cut. In some cases, a breach that may initially seem minor could become material if it is not rectified within a reasonable period of time.

If you believe that you have been a victim of a breach of contract in Saudi Arabia, we can assist you. Contact us now.

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What Are Your Legal Rights in a Breach of Contract Case in Saudi Arabia?

Your legal rights in a breach of contract case in Saudi Arabia depend on the type of breach and the severity of the breach. However, in general, you have the right to:

Terminate the Contract

If the breach is material, you may have the right to terminate the contract and walk away from it. This means that you will no longer be obligated to perform your obligations under the contract, and you may be able to seek damages from the other party.

Seek Damages

Even if you do not terminate the contract, you may still be able to seek damages from the other party for the breach. Damages can be awarded to compensate you for any losses you have suffered as a result of the breach.

Seek Specific Performance

In some cases, you may be able to seek specific performance of the contract. This means that you can ask the court to order the other party to perform their obligations under the contract.

The specific remedies that are available to you will depend on the facts of your case. If you are unsure of your legal rights, seek legal advice from a qualified lawyer.


If you have entered into a contract with a contractor to build a house for you, and the contractor fails to complete the house on time, you may have a breach of contract claim. If the delay is due to factors beyond the contractor’s control, such as bad weather or labour strikes, you may not be able to terminate the contract. However, you may still be able to seek damages from the contractor for the delay.

If the delay is due to the contractor’s negligence or incompetence, you may have the right to terminate the contract and seek damages. You may also be able to seek specific performance of the contract, and order the contractor to complete the house on a new deadline.

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How Do you File a Claim for Breach of Contract in Saudi Arabia?

To file a claim for breach of contract in Saudi Arabia, you must first gather the necessary evidence. This evidence may include:

  • A copy of the contract
  • Any correspondence between you and the other party related to the breach
  • Evidence of the breach, such as emails, letters, or photographs
  • Evidence of any losses you have suffered as a result of the breach

Once you have gathered the necessary evidence, you can file your claim with the Commercial Court. To do this, you will need to complete a claim form and submit it to the court along with the supporting evidence.

The court will then send a copy of your claim to the other party, who will have the opportunity to file a defence. Once the other party has filed their defence, the court will schedule a hearing.

At the hearing, you will have the opportunity to present your case to the judge. The judge will then decide whether or not a breach of contract has occurred and, if so, what remedies you are entitled to.

If you are successful in your claim, the court may order the other party to pay you damages, perform their obligations under the contract, or both.

Negotiate a Settlement in a Breach of Contract Case

Negotiating a settlement in a breach of contract case in the KSA is possible and may save you the hassles and costs of litigation, and it may be the best and most successful solution for your case.

At Mohammed Al-Dossary Law Firm and Legal Consultations, we can negotiate on your behalf, as we have great experience in resolving disputes through mediation and negotiation. If all attempts to resolve the dispute amicably fail, we may resort to the judiciary to settle the dispute through it.

During the negotiation phase, our expert lawyers do the following:

Collect evidence. This includes the contract itself, as well as any other correspondence or documents relating to the breach. You should also have a clear understanding of the damages you have suffered as a result of such a breach.

Evaluate your condition. What are the strengths and weaknesses of your case? What are your legal rights and options? What are your chances of winning the case if the dispute moves to the second stage, which is the litigation stage?

Agree with you on what you want to achieve through settlement? Do you want to be compensated for the damages you have suffered? Or do you want the other party to fulfill its obligations under the contract? Or do you want to terminate the contract and move on?

We later communicate with the opponent. Let’s start the negotiation process.


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